Remedies Group
In today’s complex legal landscape, lenders face a myriad of choices when dealing with the recovery of amounts lent to borrowers. The Remedies Group at Pallett Valo offers advice and guidance to assist lenders in achieving clarity, to make optimal decisions and to utilize the best tools available to them, geared to their specific circumstance, in order to maximize recoveries.
Our Remedies Group is a cross-functional group of lawyers chosen for their expertise in different areas of recovery law, such as enforcing security against real or personal property or recovering a debt from an operating business or an insolvent one. This expertise allows us to assist our clients in determining the best course to take, and often requires quick action to protect and secure assets. We stand ready to serve our lender clients with effective, results-driven service. We provide timely and practical advice, and follow through with proven recovery measures aimed at achieving the business goals of our lending clients. We can handle virtually any and every recovery strategy available.
Lenders today are as unique and diverse as the lending products they offer. Our lending clients include traditional bank lenders, leasing companies, asset based lenders, mortgage lenders, factors, distribution finance companies and private lenders. We understand the needs of these lenders and, working closely with them, we provide timely advice on recovery issues and implement sound strategies geared toward achieving desired objectives.
If you are a lender faced with a delinquent or defaulted loan, or one you believe is at risk, we would be pleased to assist you in achieving your loan recovery goals with our legal services.
Areas of our Remedies Group Practice include:
- Preparing and issuing demand lettersPre-enforcement security review
- Conducting a real or personal property sale under execution
- Enforcing judgments
- Representing lenders in priority disputes
- Preparing and serving statutory or regulatory notices
- Conducting real property power of sale proceedings
- Foreclosing on real or personal propertyPreparing forbearance and standstill agreements
- Conducting litigation for debt recovery against borrowers and guarantors
- Appointing a receiver
- Filing an Application for a Bankruptcy Order
- Preparing, registering and enforcing condominium liens
- Enforcing personal property security by way of auction or private sale of collateral