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The materials on the Pallett Valo LLP website are provided for informational purposes only. Accessing this information does not suggest that Pallett Valo LLP or any of its lawyers are practicing law in a jurisdiction other than those in which its offices are physically situated. The information does not constitute legal advice or an opinion on any issue. The information may, as a result of the passage of time, changes in the law or subsequent court decisions, no longer be accurate. Although we endeavor to ensure the accuracy of the information, it should not be relied upon without receiving advice from a lawyer.

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While we encourage you to contact us via email, it should be noted that the act of sending us an email does not make us your lawyers. You will not be considered a client of the firm until such a point that we have agreed to act on your behalf.

Until a lawyer-client relationship has been established, any information included in your email cannot be considered confidential and no information provided to you can be relied upon as legal advice. We strongly advise against the inclusion of details in email communications in order to protect both you and our lawyers from conflicts of interest and disclosure obligations.