PV Women’s Network Upcoming Events

Stay Connected!

While we don’t have any upcoming events at the moment, We want to ensure you stay connected with the PV Women’s Network and never miss out on exciting future happenings. By joining our email list, you’ll receive information about upcoming events, notifications, and the latest news from our empowering community.

We believe in making a positive difference in the lives of women and families. Through the generous donations of our members, we have a remarkable history of supporting incredible charitable organizations.

Our network has proudly contributed to the success of renowned charities such as Habitat for HumanitySisteringShoebox ProjectCatalystEmbrave Agency (formerly Interim Place)Canadian Women’s Foundation, Up with Women, Jean Augustine Centre for Young Women’s Empowerment and The Mississauga Food Bank. These organizations have a profound impact on improving the quality of life for many, and we are honoured to be part of their journey.