Pallett Valo is a great place to work and to grow
Our students are our future. We hire you with the hope that you’ll become associates and ultimately partners of Pallett Valo.
For this reason, we invest significant resources in helping our students develop into capable and accomplished practitioners, both from a legal and business development perspective.
Join our dynamic and growing team
Summer and articling programs
As a student at Pallett Valo, you will receive hands-on training from legal professionals who are leaders in their fields. You will have a high level of responsibility and often work on a file from start to finish.
We ensure that our students gain substantive exposure to a broad range of our practice areas. It’s to give you a taste of what it’s like to practice law and the benefits of working in a mid-size firm.
Mentorship and training
We don’t leave you to your own devices. Although responsibility is given early, it’s always with the support of the people around you when you need it.
Being a midsize firm means that every student will get hands-on experience under the supervision of colleagues who support you and want you to succeed just as much as you do.
Our mentorship program provides informal guidance and structured training. You’ll receive continuous feedback, advice and direction.